We are really excited to release a new, permanent low strength beer.
Barely There 1.8%
Using a revolutionary way to brew a full-bodied, properly-brewed beer that has everything in that you would expect from us – but with less than half the alcohol.

Using a revolutionary way to brew a full-bodied, properly-brewed beer that has everything in that you would expect from us – but with a fraction of the alcohol.
We brew our low strength beer quite differently from most other breweries. Our approach creates a great tasting beer. One that is brewed the long-hand way, with all the ingredients we would normally use and at the same time we are re-using the malt that would otherwise be wasted.
A brew of Bodger’s Barley Wine requires a double portion of malt to generate the strong wort needed in the fermentation for an 8.5% beer. Which means there is still plenty of flavour and goodness left in the wort at the end, but it isn’t quite strong enough to use in Bodger’s Barley Wine!
There is, after all, nothing wrong with that residual wort, and it just seemed too good to waste!
And it was this thought which was the kernel of the idea during one quiet moment during a Bodger’s brew day, that led to this new beer.
We ran the 2nd and 3rd worts into our copper in our pilot kit, added hops and fermented it.

This is that beer – a beer that didn’t go to waste! Full of everything a proper beer should be – and which you would expect a beer from us to be – except the alcohol, which is Barely There!
Barely There is a 1.8% beer, fully-brewed. We haven’t cut any corners, or used energy intensive methods to remove the alcohol. Instead, this is the first in a new range of lower alcohol beers that we are brewing.
Our aim is to create more real beers with low strengths. We shall keep refining the process and see how low we can go!